Liability Insurance

Protect your society

Liability insurance is a critical form of coverage that protects individuals and organizations from financial loss associated with claims of injury or damage inflicted on others. This type of insurance is designed to cover legal fees, settlements, and any court-ordered payouts for which the insured might be responsible if deemed legally liable.
Importantly, liability insurance is unique in that it compensates third parties — not the policyholders themselves.


Public Liability

Covers claims of bodily injury and property damage incurred by third parties due to your operations or premises.

School Liability

Provides coverage for student injuries or accidents occurring within school premises or during school-supervised activities.

Professional Liability

Offers protection for professionals against claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in the services provided to clients.

Product Liability

Protects against damages from defects in manufactured, distributed, or sold products, including coverage for product recalls.

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